RecycleBIM - "Integrated Planning and Recording Circularity of Construction Materials through Digital Modelling"
The framework includes five main aspects
The project intends to make a multi-national and multi-stakeholder effort towards the creation of an integrated framework for circularity ofraw materials of construction, leveraged on the wealth of information that is brought about by ‘Building Information Modelling’.
(i) development of a new methodology of survey of constructions to-be-demolished, based on state ofthe art methods (e.g. handheld laser scanning) to allow semiautomated digital twins of buildings to be created at a controlled cost ;
(ii) establish adequate BIM modelling rules (and information requirements) that allow the BIM model to host all the relevant information for thefull deconstruction analysis, including health and safety aspects, deconstruction phasing/techniques and quantity take off regarding thematerials available for reuse and recycling ;
(iii) create an IFC-based tool for multi-criteria optimisation of deconstruction strategies and materials, so that designers of new construction, or planners of deconstruction of ‘to-be-demolished’ can have their BIM models analysed ina platform that manages an integrated multi-criteria optimisation procedure for deconstruction phasing and strategies, including LCA/LCCanalysis (with distinct peculiarities when making Design for Deconstruction, or when solely planning the demolition of an existing building) ;
(iv) strategic and optimised use of recycled demolition waste in 3D printed concrete for local digital construction practice ;
(v) make all theprevious developments together with a specific set of tools for Municipalities to use in their process of issuing both deconstruction and newbuilding permits based on BIM models (openBIM), as to manage better focus in municipal approvals based on traceable data, and at thesame time, keeping accurate records of material circularity at a local level (enabling global optimisation strategies at municipal level).
Construction Industry, BIM, Open-source tool, multi-criteria optimisation, database and case studies.
- University of Minho (Portugal)
- Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
- Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- ACCA software S.p.A. (Italy)
- Südhessische Wertstoffrückgewinnungs GmbH (Germany)
- University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
- Lafarge Centre de Recherche (France)
- Newton (Portugal)
- Gaiurb EM (Portugal)
- Marta Campos – Architecture (Portugal)
- 36 Months
2.001,664 € Total Costs
1.102,492 € Total Requested