General presentation
ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN3) is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of research funding organisations, supported by EU Horizon 2020, that builds on the experience of the FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011 to 2015) and ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022). Through this program, 17 projects were supported by ADEME.
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Call 2021
EU Co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 15th of January 2021, counted with the participation of 24 funding organizations with a total budget of €19.5 million. The Call 2021 was focused on needs-driven research addressing three segments of non-fuel, non-food raw materials: metallic materials; construction materials; industrial minerals, with a circular economy approach.
The five main topics of the call were based on the challenges and priorities identified in the ERA-MIN Research Agenda covering both primary and secondary resources and substitution of Critical Raw Materials.
Information on the 22 transnational R&I projects funded, including the list of funded projects, call statistics and their publishable abstracts are available.
Five ADEME winning projects
Cider project
Circular product design for automotive components made from recycled and sustainable composite material.
RecycleBIM project
Integrated Planning and Recording Circularity of Construction Materials through Digital Modelling.
Rendering3D project
Recycling End of Life permanent magnets by innovative sintering and 3D printing.
RecyLIB project
Direct Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Scaling up a circular economy business model by new design, leaner remanufacturing, and automated material recycling technologies.
Call 2019
ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 15th of November 2019, counted with the participation of 19 funding organisations with a total budget of €10.3 million. The Call 2019 was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (metallic, construction and industrial minerals), with a circular economy approach. The five main topics of the call were based on the challenges and priorities identified in the ERA-MIN Research Agenda covering both primary and secondary resources and substitution of Critical Raw Materials.
Two ADEME winning projects
ReFina project
Novel methods for enhanced recovery of metals and minerals from fine incineration ash.
PROPER project
New sustainability metrics to improve recycling PROcess PERformances regarding resource use, environmental impacts and economic benefits.
Call 2018
ERA-MIN Joint Call 2018 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 31st October 2018, was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy. 12 transnational projects were selected and recommended for funding out of 51 submitted proposals. These projects involve a total of 61 organisations of which 17 are enterprises (28%). The total allocated public funding is €8.8 million and the total projects’ costs are €12.7 million.
Three ADEME winning projects
Next-Lib project
Novel Circular Economic Approaches for Efficient Extraction of Valuables from Spend Li-Ion Batteries.
Limex project
Innovative Membrane Extraction of Lithium for Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling.
SupplyPBM project
Securing the Supply chain for rare earth Polymer-Bonded Magnets by recycling.
Call 2017
Under ERA-MIN 2, the cofunded Joint Call 2017 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 1st February 2017, was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy. 16 top-ranked proposals are recommended for funding by the Call Steering Committee (CSC), requesting a total of 12.3 million € of public funds and with total costs of 16 million €.
Three ADEME winning projects
MetRecycle project
Metycle’s managed marketplace handles the entire trading process of secondary metals. Recycling of metals using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (FMNP)
Deasphor project
Design of a product for SUBSTITUTION of phosphate rocks.
Supermet project
Recovery of Precious Metals from Spent Catalysts by Supercritical CO2 Extraction Assisted by Polymers.
Call 2015
27 full proposals were submitted and involved a total of 124 participants. After evaluation and ranking, 6 transnational projects, involving 38 organisations, were finally selected for funding. The total project funding was €5.1 million, being the total costs of €6.04 million.
The scope of this Joint Call 2015 was needs driven research on “Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials in Europe” with the following main topic areas:
- Primary resources,
- Secondary resources (recycling),
- Substitution of critical materials.
One ADEME winning project
Battery Recycling – Achieving Rare Earth Separation.
Call 2014
21 full proposals were submitted in total from 83 participants. After evaluation and ranking, 7 transnational projects, involving 38 organisations, were finally selected for funding. The total project funding was €5.43 million, being the total costs of €8.57 million.
The scope of this Joint Call 2014 was needs driven research on “Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials in Europe” with the following main topic areas:
- Primary resources,
- Secondary resources (recycling),
- Substitution of critical materials.
Three ADEME winning projects
ENVIREE project
ENVIronmentally friendly and efficient methods for extraction of Rare Earth Elements from secondary sources.
EXTRAVAN project
Innovative extraction and management of vanadium from high vanadium iron concentrate and steel slags.
AMDREY project
Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Acid Mine Drainage